Sunday, February 25, 2007

MOVIES: We've Seen Some Good Ones Lately

The last few weeks Jeannie and I have seen some very good movies: Babel, Letters from Iwo Jima, and Breach.

I'd recommend all three, but my highest ranking goes to Babel, in which seemingly unrelated action in three diverse locations around the world--Japan, Morocco, and San Diego--end up being interrelated. Languages and cultures clash but commonalities arise in the confusion. Some aren't going to care for it, but I think it's deservedly an Academy Award-nominated movie.

And so is Letters from Iwo Jima, the story about that fierce battle from the Japanese point of view. Together with Flags of Our Fathers, this Clint Eastwood matching set may be the masterpiece of war movies. Who would have guessed that Rowdy Yates and Dirty Harry could come up with top-shelf stuff like this.

Breach isn't quite in the league with the other two, but it's pretty riveting as well. Based on the true story of convicted spy Robert Hanssen, the viewer knows from the outset what's going to happen and how it happens, but you stay glued to the story anyway. Hanson's weird perverseness, as played by Chris Cooper is mesmerizing.

Don't miss any of these movies.

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